The Operational Client Capacity Program addresses the need for continuous, context-specific learning through adaptable curricula, peer-to-peer exchanges, and a focus on training quality to enhance countries' operational capacity for sustainable development.
How it helps countries: Strong client operational implementation capacity will help maximize the development impact of World Bank (and other partners’) financing. The program is expected to increase efficiency of environmental and social management and procurement processes, transition to reliance on country systems, reduce the time taken to achieve substantial disbursements, and ensure timely implementation of development projects, leading to faster achievement of results.
Target audience: Technical staff in Project Implementing Units/ Project Management Units, Ministries of Planning, Ministries of Finance and other related line ministries.
Potential Program Offerings:
- Project Management
- WBG instruments (including WB, IFC, MIGA guarantees, Treasury products)
- Procurement and Contract Management
- Financial Management
- Fraud and Corruption
- Environmental and Social Framework