Over nine months program will cover four key topics: (1) Formulation and implementation of debt management strategies and design of borrowing plans; (2) Debt reporting and debt transparency; (3) Management of contingent liabilities; and (4) climate change and debt management (incl. thematic bonds, swaps).
The academy program aims to enhance the effectiveness of debt management training by targeting the interface between political and technical levels. It will empower parliaments to hold debt management offices accountable for sound debt management and promote debt transparency. Simultaneously, it will assist debt management offices in communicating to parliaments their crucial role in maintaining debt sustainability through sound fiscal policies.
The program will focus on a select group of debt managers and senior officers from parliamentary budget offices representing about a dozen low and middle-income countries, ensuring high-quality peer learning.
The academy program will leverage partnerships with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and regional organizations such as the Macro-Economic and Financial Management Institute of Southern and Eastern Africa and the Central Bank for the West African Monetary Union. At the conclusion of the program, there will be a high-level side-event to the annual Forum of the Debt Management Facility to which parliamentarians would also be invited. This will serve as an opportunity to recruit the next generation of officials for the academy and to reinforce the formation of a network of senior officials working on debt management, and will foster exchange directly with the political level.