As part of the WBG Academy, the Bank and IFC will work together to deliver a two-phased program to support our clients achieve enhanced water security, in the face of climate extremes, for at least 300M people. The program will focus on the dual nature of water as an essential service and a vital resource and is geared to strengthen institutional capabilities and stakeholder collaboration and the introduction of good practices from both the public and private sector.
1st Phase: Urban NeWater Security (e.g. reclaimed water)
The first phase will focus on Urban NeWater Security, which will emphasize innovative and circular economy approaches, including involving private sector participation, for wastewater reuse, desalination, digital technologies (for example to reduce NRW), and demand management approaches, to support helping reach universal WSS access and provide irrigation services for growing populations in urban and peri-urban areas. The initiative will capitalize on the partnership with the Singapore Water Center.
2nd phase: Strategic Resources Management for Water Security
The second phase of the WBG Academy program for water will build on the first and add strategic planning for water security including water resources management approaches, including innovations in agricultural water management and water storage. The ensuing program will benefit from the developing partnership with the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE) in Burkina Faso as well as others.